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NBSV 171: Jeremy LaLonde, filmmaker and creator of PB With J, on his health journey (including losing half his body weight), exploring in the kitchen, and maintaining health habits

Jeremy LaLonde is an award-winning filmmaker who lost half his body weight by going plant-based and decided to use his story and insights to help others by creating the website and YouTube channel PB with J (Plant-Based with Jeremy).

With his own recipes, reviews of vegan cookbooks, as well as fun and informative videos and interviews, Jeremy and his family look to make being healthy not feel like homework.

After sharing a quick personal update, Coach K speaks with Jeremy about his filmmaking work, his vegan story, creating content online, and more.

Important topics we discussed:

>> Jeremy’s weight loss story, including how he lost half his body weight.

>> The three things Jeremy did to lose and maintain his weight loss.

>> Jeremy’s work as a filmmaker.

>> Encouraging people to explore in the kitchen with the content he creates online.

Connect with Jeremy:

>> Jeremy's website

>> Jeremy on Youtube

Episode transcript:

>> Access a full transcript of the episode here.

Mentioned in this episode:

>> Coach K's live interview with Jeremy on Youtube

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>> Comment on the episode's Facebook post.

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